EUROLABS Financial Support

The Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL) and Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS) are two research infrastructures of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) and are devoted to Fundamental and Applied Nuclear Physics Research. Their activities are complementary and strictly coordinated, representing the main Italian facility for low energy nuclear physics experiments. The current contract within the Horizon Europe framework for trans-national access programme of the EU project EURO-LABS (Grant no. 101057511) offers support for travel and subsistence for external users of the facility. Within the EURO-LABS project, the LNL-LNS facility offers access to stable-ion beams (WP2, Task 1), radioactive ion beams (WP2, Task 2) and to neutron beams, delivered by the BELINA facility at LNL (WP2, Task 3).


Description of the infrastructure

The LNL-LNS facility is based in two different sites (Laboratories): LNL and LNS.

The LNL site

LNL site comprises two single stage electrostatic accelerators, CN (6 MV maximum voltage) and AN2000 (2 MV maximum voltage), and the machines in the TANDEM-PIAVE-ALPI complex. A 70 MeV proton cyclotron is also in operation as a driver of the SPES ISOL facility. The TANDEM-PIAVE-ALPI (TAP) complex features and electrostatic XTU TANDEM which can reach 14 MV and can be operated in stand-alone mode or as an injector of the 50 MV-equivalent superconducting ALPI LINAC accelerator. The superconducting PIAVE RFQ acts as a second injector for ALPI, and is equipped with and ECR source, for high intensity beams or species that cannot be accelerated from the TANDEM accelerator. Beams from the TANDEM-PIAVE-ALPI complex, included the future exotic beams from SPES, can be delivered to three different experimental halls: the first experimental hall hosts the beam lines for applied physics, the beam line of the EXOTIC in-flight facility and the beam line dedicated to the AGATA-PRISMA setup for nuclear physics studies. The second experimental hall hosts the PISOLO and 8PLPI arrays for reaction studies and the resident gamma-ray array GALILEO. The third experimental hall hosts the Garfield array for reaction studies. The 70P cyclotron can accelerate H- ions, to final energies varying from 35 to 70 MeV, with dual beam extraction and a maximum beam current of 750 µA. The beam can be delivered to the SPES ISOL target station as well as to other bunkers for irradiation and radioisotope production. The ALPI LINAC together with the new ADIGE norm conducting RFQ injector will act as the post-accelerator of the ISOL facility. Once operational, the SPES facility will become part of the LNL accelerator facilities.

The LNS site

The 15 MV SMP Tandem accelerator at LNS providing heavy-ion beams from protons to gold up to energies of few MeV/u. The Superconducting Cyclotron at LNS providing a wide variety of heavy-ion beams with energies up to 80 MeV/u for light ions completely ionised and 20 MeV/A for heavier ions, like 238U38+. The LNS Superconducting Cyclotron will be equipped with a second beam extraction system to increase the intensity of stable beams. This will allow the use of the new FRAgment Ion Separator (FRAISE) for exotic beams production via projectile fragmentation. The FRAISE facility will come into operation during the period of the offered access.Applied, interdisciplinary and biomedical physics activities are based on the CATANA facility at LNS where, besides the proton-therapy, biomedical physics experiments using proton and carbon beams from the cyclotron are performed.

Services currently offered by the infrastructure

The list of the available beams for LNL TAP

The list of the available beams for LNL AN2000 and CN

Neutrons are available in the BELINA facility, using the CN proton beam and a dedicated target. For more details contact the EUROLABS facility coordinator or Doctor Pierfrancesco Mastinu.

Radioactive ion beams: the SPES facility at LNL is not yet operational. Details will be provided as soon as beams for users will be available.

The list of the available beams for LNS

Both facilities offer the following services:
• A Target Laboratory to produce targets and thin films depositions for nuclear physics experiments and interdisciplinary projects
• Technical assistance for the installation of new set-ups, the maintenance of vacuum instrumentation, pumping systems, electrical components, and mechanical parts of the existing apparatuses
• A computing centre and Data Acquisition Services for specific setups
The LNL site offers also:

• A Detector Laboratory among the most advanced laboratories in Europe for testing and repairing High-Purity Germanium detectors
• A surface technology and superconductivity laboratory
• An electronic laboratory for developing and repairing electronic devices;
• A laboratory for detector testing
• Cellular and molecular biology laboratories
Proposed experiments requesting access to LNL or LNS are evaluated scientifically by the Program advisory Committee (PAC).



Support offered under the EURO-LABS contract

The Euro-Labs project provides support for transnational access to a network of 47 Research Infrastructures (including 3 RIs with Virtual Access) from 18 countries, including the LNL-LNS facility.
EURO-LABS offers:

  • reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs for using the facilities at the research infrastructures
  • technical Support and expertise at the laboratories hosting the RI
  • general procedure for applying to EURO-LABS support

The procedures and details about Transnational Access are described in the EURO-LABS website.
The LNL-LNS facility belongs to the Work-Package 2. Please visit the dedicated webpage about the TNA access procedure.

  1. Experiment proposals are submitted to the Program Advisory Committee of the LNL or LNS laboratory.
    a. Info about accelerators for LNL users
    b. Info about accelerators for LNS users
    c. Verify here who is eligible for EURO-LABS funding. If the proposal fulfils the eligibility criteria, TNA can be requested.
  2. The spokesperson of an approved experiment that has been scheduled should fill and sign the application form and the information request (forms) and deliver them to either the LNL or LNS facility coordinator, Tommaso Marchi for LNL or Alessia Di Pietro for LNS.
  3. The User Selection Panel, which consists of two outside members, and the two facility coordinators for LNL and LNS, will validate the requests and authorise the funds.
  4. Supported users will then have to follow the reimbursement procedure explained in a dedicated document.
  5. Regulations on the exploitation of the results are applied. Please read them carefully and comply to it.
  6. Experiment report must be completed by the experiment spokesperson within one week after the experiment and sent to the LNL or LNS facility coordinator, Tommaso Marchi for LNL or Alessia Di Pietro for LNS.
  7. Experiment Attendance Form must be completed by the experiment spokesperson (only if the information is different to that submitted in step 1) within one month after the experiment
  8. Questionnaire must be completed by the experiment spokesperson and submitted to Brussels.
  9. Acknowledge EURO-LABS in publications. (Example: “The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101057511.”)

Modality of access under the EURO-LABS contract

LNL-LNS users are registered through the respective User’s Offices, following the standard User’s registration procedures. More detail can be found in the dedicated pages:
The registration allows to have full access to the services offered by the facility. The authorization to operate in radiation-controlled areas (if needed) is managed by the Radiation Protection Service and requires the submission of specific documentation.
In addition to the access procedures, Users benefiting of EURO-LABS financial support will need to accomplish the EURO-LABS registration and reimbursement procedures described in the following.

Support offered under the EURO-LABS contract

Please contact Tiziano Ferro (

Outreach of new users

work in progress

Review procedure under the EURO-LABS contract

work in progress

Data management requirement

The EURO-LABS Grant Agreement imposes certain obligations on those receiving funding. These differ from the requirements of the previous TNA scheme ENSAR2 but the most important of these for experiments are in terms of acknowledging support and in Open Science. All experiments need to have a data management plan, they need to secure and preserve the data from the experiment in a suitable repository and to make the data publicly available at a suitable time. For most experiments, this is likely to be after the initial publication(s). Such arrangements are becoming very common as requirements by national funding agencies.




kick-off meeting in Bologna on 3-4-5 October 2022

EUROLABS Video INFN LNL (pwd= Video2023!)

Environment and quality

La Direzione del laboratorio si avvale di un Referente per l’Ambiente e la Qualità con i seguenti compiti:

  • Cura gli aspetti relativi alla gestione ambientale;
  • Sviluppa e cura gli aspetti relativi alla gestione della qualità per le attività di interesse dei Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro.

Referente del Direttore per l’Ambiente e la Qualità: Daniela Benini (


I Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL) mantengono da sempre un’attenzione assidua per i problemi ambientali: tutte le attività di ricerca sono infatti svolte nel più rigoroso rispetto delle normative di tutela ambientale. Le principali azioni riguardano la prevenzione di ogni tipo di inquinamento, nonché un miglioramento constante delle performance in campo ambientale. Gli obiettivi e impegni sono formalizzati in versione integrale nella Politica ambientale dei LNL, documento che nasce e viene emesso dalla Direzione dei Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro. Al fine di soddisfare i propri impegni, i LNL hanno implementato un SISTEMA DI GESTIONE AMBIENTALE conforme ai requisiti della norma ISO 14001:2015. A seguito delle verifiche effettuate dall’organismo DNV, ente di certificazione accreditato ACCREDIA, i LNL hanno ottenuto il certificato di conformità per il settore di accreditamento IAF34 (Certificato n. CERT-1116-2004-AE-VEN-SINCERT).

Figure coinvolte nella Gestione Ambientale:

  • Daniela Benini: Referente del Direttore per l’Ambiente.
  • Patrizia Ingenito: Responsabile esterno del Sistema di Gestione Ambientale dei LNL, Auditor ambientale interno, Consulente per la Sicurezza nel Trasporto di Merci Pericolose su Strada.
  • Sergio Sartor: Auditor ambientale interno.
  • Fabrizio Stivanello: Auditor ambientale interno.

Per informazioni:

Gli aspetti operativi della Gestione Ambientale sono portati avanti in sinergia con le Divisioni e i Servizi dei LNL, in particolare:

  • Divisione Tecnica e delle Attività Generali (Responsabile Modanese P.).
  • Servizio Gestione Impianti e Sicurezze (Responsabile Gusella M.).
  • Servizio Edilizia ed Attività Generali (Responsabile: Maniero D.).
  • Servizio Magazzino e Acquisti (Responsabile Trevisan E.).

Maggiori DETTAGLI, INFORMAZIONI e APPROFONDIMENTI sono riportati nei seguenti documenti:

  • La gestione ambientale dei LNL (documento che descrive il sistema di gestione ambientale e riepiloga i principali dati su aspetti e prestazioni ambientali dei LNL).
  • Lo sviluppo sostenibile e i sistemi di gestione ambientale (documento di approfondimento su temi ambientali). (in progress)

(NOTA: l’accesso ad alcuni documenti è vincolato al possesso delle credenziali INFN-AAI)

Planimetria generale dei laboratori
Gestione dei rifiuti
Gestione degli agenti chimici
Emissioni gassose in atmosfera
Aspetti ambientali connessi alla gestione dei fornitori
Piano di formazione annuale in campo ambientale
Piano annuale degli audit ambientali
Facsimile della carta intestata dei LNL con il marchio DNV

Gestione dei rifiuti

Documento introduttivo sul tema “Rifiuti”. (in progress)
Per una corretta gestione dei rifiuti all’interno dei LNL, rispettare le seguenti INDICAZIONI:

Nel caso dei rifiuti speciali, è sempre NECESSARIO che vengano custoditi all’interno dei locali fino alla consegna degli stessi al Servizio Gestione Impianti e Sicurezze.
È sempre VIETATO:

  • Abbandonare rifiuti sul suolo e nel sottosuolo;
  • Conferire ai depositi temporanei qualsiasi rifiuto derivante da attività non effettuate all’interno dei LNL.

È necessario PRESTARE PARTICOLARE ATTENZIONE nei seguenti casi:

  • Travaso di rifiuti di tipo liquido. È sempre necessario eseguire le operazioni in presenza di sistemi di contenimento, in particolare se queste vengono effettuate su piazzali esterni,
  • Trasporto di rifiuti di tipo liquido. È sempre necessario eseguire le operazioni utilizzando recipienti adeguati, provvisti cioè di idonei sistemi di chiusura e di prese agevoli per la movimentazione, e dotandosi di accessori e dispositivi per effettuare le operazioni di svuotamento e riempimento in condizioni di sicurezza.

MODULI e DOCUMENTI per la gestione dei rifiuti:

Gestione degli agenti chimici

Documento introduttivo sul tema “Agenti chimici e schede di sicurezza”. (in progress)
Per una corretta gestione degli agenti chimici all’interno dei LNL, rispettare le INDICAZIONI riportate in Modalità di gestione degli agenti chimici (IOP.O.02.01.CHI).
MODULI e INFORMAZIONI per la gestione degli agenti chimici:

Emissioni gassose in atmosfera
Documento introduttivo sul tema “Emissioni gassose in atmosfera”. (in progress)

Aspetti ambientali connessi alla gestione dei fornitori
Documento introduttivo sul tema “Aspetti ambientali connessi alla gestione dei fornitori”. (in progress)
Per una corretta gestione degli aspetti ambientali connessi alla gestione dei fornitori, rispettare le INDICAZIONI riportate in Aspetti ambientali connessi alla gestione dei fornitori (IOP.O.04.01.FOR).
MODULI e DOCUMENTI per la gestione degli aspetti ambientali connessi alla gestione dei fornitori:

  • Fascicolo informativo su rischi per la salute e la sicurezza, misure adottate per eliminare le interferenze, misure di prevenzione e di emergenza, norme ambientali (DOC.O.04.01.FOR).
  • Dossier concerning health and safety, measures to eliminate interferences, prevention, emergency, and environmental standards (DOC.O.04.04.FOR).
  • Istruzioni operative per i fornitori (DOC.O.04.02.FOR).

Tutta la modulistica più generale per la gestione delle gare d’appalto è disponibile sulla pagina web del Servizio Amministrazione.

Public selections for scientific/technological research grants at INFN LNL

Call n. 26776/2024
to award 1 post-doctoral junior level 1 technological grant in Thin films deposition via reactive HiPIMS technique
Expire date: 14/06/2024
Call n. 26712/2024
to award 1 post-doctoral junior level 1 technological grant in Research and development to study the production of Tb-155 at SPES
Expire date: 12/07/2024
Call n. 26678/2024
to award 1 post-doctoral junior level 1 technological grant in Design, fabrication and characterization of devices for the handling and use of secondary targets on beam lines
Expire date: 29/05/2024
Call n. 26612/2024
to award 1 post-doctoral junior level 1 technological grant in Development of the control system of secondary targets in and related ionizing radiation detectors
Expire date: 30/04/2024
Call n. 26578/2024
to award 1 post-doctoral junior level 1 scientific grant in Adaptive responses of marine species to climate change by monitoring isotopic ratios
Expire date: 26/04/2024
Call n. 26556/2024
to award 1 post-doctoral senior level 2 technological grant in Research and development for solid targets manufacturing to study the production of Tb-155
Expire date: 24/04/2024
Call n. 26515/2024
to award 1 post-doctoral senior level 2 scientific grant in Study of the ion tracking in direct reactions in inverse kinematics: detectors and physics case
Expire date: 04/04/2024
Call n. 26423/2024
to award 1 post-doctoral senior level 3 scientific grant in Monte Carlo simulations, validation, and testing of the CoolGal target for neutron production
Expire date: 17/03/2024
Call n. 26250/2023
to award 1 post-doctoral senior level 2 technological grant in Development of RF cavities for high intensity linear accelerators
Expire date: 28/12/2023
Call n. 25882/2023
to award di n. 1 post-doctoral senior level 2 technological grant in Produzione di coatings superficiali con tecniche di deposizione da fase vapore (PVD)
Expire date: 14/10/2023
Call n. 25351/2023
to award di n. 1 post-doctoral junior level 1 research grant in Study of the integration of cryonic targets with the gamma-ray array AGATA, development of physics cases for possible nuclear reactions
Expire date: 22/03/2023
Call n. 25129/2022
to award n. 1 post-doctoral junior level 1 research grant in Development of RF cavities for high intensity linear accelerators
Expiry date: 19/01/2023
Call n. 25128/2022
to award n. 1 post-doctoral senior level 2 research grant in Innovative doping processes based on laser irradiation for the development of segmented coaxial detectors
Expiry date: 19/01/2023
Call n. 25037/2022
to award n. 2 post-doctoral senior level 2 research grant in Control systems and diagnostic systems of complex equipment within the SPES infrastructure
Expiry date: 30/12/2022
Call n. 25032/2022
to award n. 1 post-doctoral senior level 3 research grant in Material studies for aero-spatial and quantum applications with low energy protons
Expiry date: 29/12/2022
Call n. 24737/2022
to award n. 20 post-doctoral senior level 3 research grant in experimental physics.
Expiry date: 15/11/2022
Applications must be uploaded no later than november 15th, 2022 (11:59 a.m. CET). Reference letters must be uploaded no later than november 18th, 2022(11:59 a.m. CET) at the following link:

Call n. 24736/2022
to award n. 16 post-doctoral senior level 3 research grant in theoretical physics.
Expiry date: 11/11/2022
Applications must be uploaded no later than november 11th, 2022 (11:59 a.m. CET). Reference letters must be uploaded no later than november 14th, 2022(11:59 a.m. CET) at the following link:

Call n. 24174/2022
to award n. 1 grant for scientific research, lasting 12 months, on the topic Nuclear structure with the gamma-ray tracking array AGATA
Expiry date: 2/4/2022

Call n. 24223/2022
to award n. 1 grant for technological research, lasting 24 months, on the topic Optimisation of chemical and electrochemical processes for polishing and surface preparation of accelerating elliptical copper cavities and quadrupole resonator (QPR)
Expiry date: 30/3/2022

Call n. 24172/2022
to award n. 1 grant for scientific research, lasting 12 months, on the topic Search of cosmological axions with the QUAX apparatus
Expiry date: 18/3/2022

Call n. 24045/2022
to award n. 1 grant for technological research, lasting 12 months renewable for a further 24 months, on the topic Thin film deposition using PVD techniques for the production of oxides, nitrides and carbonitrides
Expiry date: 27/2/2022

Call n. 24022/2022
to award n. 1 grant for technological research, lasting 24 months, on the topic Design, construction and test of an experimental apparatus to study the turbulent heat transfer process for the LARAMED project
Expiry date: 24/2/2022

Public selections up to year 2021

INFN LNL Fellowships

Call n. 27065/2024
Public competition for the conferment of n°1 scholarship grant for technological training activities entitled to recent Bachelor’s degree graduates, for the duration of 12 months, it can be extended up to 12 months, to be carried out at LNL, for the following research topic (on the following activity): Thin film deposition activity via PVD technique.
Expiry date: 24/09/2024
Call n. 26473/2024
Public competition for the conferment of n°1 scholarship grant for technological training activities entitled to recent Bachelor’s degree graduates, for the duration of 12 months, it can be extended up to 12 months, to be carried out at LNL, for the following research topic (on the following activity): Surface treatment for low back ground experiments.
Expiry date: 19/03/2024
Call. n. 26419/2024
Public competition announcement for the conferment of n°1 scholarship grant for technological training activities entitled to High School graduates, for the duration of 12 months, it can be extended up to 12 months, to be carried out at LNL, for the following activity Electronic and/or electrotechnical activities concerning maintenance, development and conduction of technological plants related to the accelerators.
Expiry date: 16/03/2024
Call. n. 25906/2023
Public competition for the conferment of n°1 scholarship grant for technological training activities entitled to recent Bachelor’s degree graduates, for the duration of 12 months, it can be extended up to 12 months, to be carried out at LNL, for the following research topic (on the following activity): Development and characterization of superconducting resonators for quantum computing and quantum sensing applications.
Expiry date: 11/10/2023
Call. n. 25879/2023
Public competition for the conferment of n°1 scholarship grant for technological training activities entitled to recent Bachelor’s degree graduates, for the duration of 12 months, it can be extended up to 12 months, to be carried out at LNL, for the following research topic (on the following activity): Administrative activities with particular regard to advertising activities, management of financial resources deriving from contractual forms financed by third parties [EU, Ministries, Region etc.] and related reports.
Expiry date: 11/10/2023
Call n. 25412/2023
Public selection for the award of n°1 scholarship grant for technological training activities entitled to recent Bachelor’s degree graduates, for the duration of 6 months, to be carried out at LNL, for the following research topic Thermoelectric simulation of ion source components produced by AM technologies.
Expiry date: 07/04/2023
Call n. 25149/2022
Public selection for the award of n°1 scholarship grant for technological training activities entitled to recent Bachelor’s degree graduates, for the duration of 12 months, it can be extended up to 12 months, to be carried out at LNL, for the following research topic Development and characterization of chemical treatments on accelerating cavities.
Expiry date: 21/01/2023
Bando n. 25029/2022
Public selection to award n. 1 scholarship grant for technological training activities entitled to ITS high school graduates or equivalent, lasting one year and possibly renewable for an additional 12 months, to be performed at LNL, on the following activity Training and supervision of the ordinary maintenance and repair of LNL real estate and general services.
Expiry date: 14/12/2022
Call n. 25027/2022
Public selection to award n. 1 scholarship grant for technological training activities entitled to recent Master’s degree graduates, lasting one year and possibly renewable for an additional 12 months, to be performed at LNL for the following research topic Development and characterization of Nb3Sn superconducting coatings by magnetron sputtering and Tin liquid diffusion.
Expiry date: 29/12/2022
Call n. 24773/2022
Public selection to award n. 1 fellowship for technological training activities for high school graduate, lasting one year and possibly renewable for an additional 12 months, to be performed at LNL on the topic Data acquisition, data management from experiments and scientific documentation
Expiry date: 23/10/2022
Call n. 24616/2022
Public selection to award n. 1 fellowship for technological training activities for high school graduate, lasting one year and possibly renewable for an additional 12 months, to be performed at LNL on the topic Construction, maintenance and management of experimental apparatuses for the research in nuclear physics in the context of the SPES project.
Expiry date: 10/08/2022
Call n. 24406/2022
Public selection for the award of 1 scholarship for technological training activities for recent graduates, for a duration of 1 year and renewable, to be carried out at LNL on the topic Development of new radiochemical extraction and purification routes for radiometals within the research activities of LARAMED project.
Expiry date: 09/06/2022
Call n. 24405/2022
Public selection for the award of 1 scholarship for technological training activities for first level degree, for a duration of 1 year and renewable, to be carried out at LNL on the topic Neutron dosimetry and spectrometry with track-etched detectors.
Expiry date: 09/06/2022
N. 982
Expiry date: 28/04/2022

N. 983
Expiry date: 28/04/2022

N. 984
Expiry date: 04/05/2022

Call n. 24315/2022
Public selection to award n. 1 fellowship for technological training activities for high school graduate, lasting one year and renewable, to be performed at LNL on the topic Training for service and operation of electrical plants, Heating Ventilation and Air conditioning systems and fire prevention systems.
Expiry date: 08/05/2022

Call n. 23926/2021
Public selection to award n. 1 fellowship for technological training activities for high school graduate, lasting one year and renewable, to be performed at LNL on the topic Construction, maintenance and management of experimental apparatuses for the research in nuclear physics in the context of the SPES project.
Expiry date: 26/2/2022

Public selections up to year 2021

Fellowships, Grants and Competitions

Expiring date
Research GrantsBANDO 26776/2024
Expiring date: 14/06/2024
BANDO 26712/2024
Expiring date: 12/07/2024
BANDO 26678/2024
Expiring date: 29/05/2024
BANDO 26612/2024
Expiring date: 30/04/2024
BANDO 26578/2024
Expiring date: 26/04/2024
BANDO 26556/2024
Expiring date: 24/04/2024
BANDO 26515/2024
Expiring date: 04/04/2024
BANDO 26423/2024
Expiring date: 17/03/2024
BANDO 26250/2023
Expiring date: 28/12/2023
BANDO 25882/2023
Expiring date: 14/10/2023
BANDO 25351/2023
Expiring date: 22/03/2023
BANDO 25129/2022
Expiring date: 19/01/2023
BANDO 25128/2022
Expiring date: 19/01/2023
BANDO 25037/2022
Scadenza: 30/12/2022
BANDO 25032/2022
Scadenza: 29/12/2022
BANDO 24737/2022
Scadenza: 15/11/2022
BANDO 24736/2022
Scadenza: 11/11/2022
BANDO 24174/2022
Scadenza: 2/4/2022
BANDO 24223/2022
Scadenza: 30/3/2022
BANDO 24172/2022
Scadenza: 18/3/2022
FellowshipsBANDO 27065/2024
Scadenza: 24/09/2024
BANDO 26473/2024
Scadenza: 19/03/2024
BANDO 26419/2024
Scadenza: 16/03/2024
BANDO 25906/2023
Scadenza: 11/10/2023
BANDO 25879/2023
Scadenza: 11/10/2023
BANDO 25412/2023
Scadenza: 07/04/2023
BANDO 25149/2022
Scadenza: 21/01/2023
BANDO 25029/2022
Scadenza: 14/12/2022
BANDO 25027/2022
Scadenza: 29/12/2022
BANDO 24773/2022
Scadenza: 23/10/2022
BANDO 24616/2022
Scadenza: 10/08/2022
BANDO 24406/2022
Scadenza: 09/06/2022
BANDO 24405/2022
Scadenza: 09/06/2022
N. 982
Scadenza: 28/04/2022
N. 983
Scadenza: 28/04/2022
N. 984
Scadenza: 04/05/2022
BANDO 24315/2022
Scadenza: 08/05/2022

Competitions – open-ended contractBANDO 26770/2024 (Collaboratore Tecnico E. R. di VI livello)
13 posti di cui 3 ai LNL
Scadenza: 04-07-2024

BANDO 23543/2021 (FUNZ AMM V DIR e AMM) 2 posti
Scadenza: 28-10-2021

Scadenza: 28-10-2021

BANDO 23249/2021 (T III ISOL)Scadenza: 22-07-2021

BANDO 23250/2021 (T III MEC)Scadenza: 22-07-2021

BANDO 23251/2021 (T III DAQ)Scadenza: 22-07-2021

BANDO 23252/2021 (T III BEAM)Scadenza: 22-07-2021

BANDO 23175/2021 (CTER VI S.O.M.)
Scadenza: 28-06-2021

BANDO 23174/2021 (CTER VI S.R.)Scadenza: 28-06-2021
Fixed-term competitionsLNL/C6/26705
Expire date: 20-06-2024

Expire date: 01-03-2023

Expire date: 23-01-2023

Expire date: 16-01-2023 at 16:00

Expire date: 10-01-2023 at 16:00

Expire date: 10-01-2023 at 16:00

Expire date: 10-01-2023 at 16:00

Expire date: 11-01-2023
Application form

Scadenza: 30-06-2021

INFN announcements of competitions

Per ulteriori informazioni si prega di contattare Paola Carraretto tel. +39 049 8068 356

For further information please contact Paola Carraretto tel. +39 049 8068 356

Direction Service

Responsabile del Servizio: Paola Carraretto – tel. 049 8068356
Sede: Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, viale dell’Università, 2 35010

Afferenti al servizio: Claudia Fornaro, Luisa Pegoraro, Silvia Pezzin, Francesca Sturaro

Il Servizio Direzione si occupa

  • accesso utenti
  • ospiti
  • protocollo
  • personale
  • relazioni europeee e internazionali
  • divulgazione scientifica

Indirizzo email generico:
Indirizzo Pec:

Ufficio Segreteria di Direzione e Protocollo

Ufficio del personale

Ufficio Relazioni Utenti

Ufficio diffusione scientifica e relazioni internazionali

Ufficio Segreteria di Direzione e Protocollo

Ufficio del personale

Ufficio Relazioni Utenti

Ufficio diffusione scientifica e relazioni internazionali

Concessione contributo economico (dal 15 gennaio 2022)