Call for PAC proposals

The Program Advisory Committee (PAC) of the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL) of INFN will meet on January 23 and 24, 2025. The PAC meeting will be held in mixed in-person/remote mode.
The PAC will select experiments to be performed with the Tandem and AN2000 accelerators during the period February-July 2025.

Status of the Accelerators
The Tandem accelerator and AN2000 accelerators will be operational for the first semester 2025:
• The Tandem accelerator can be operated at terminal voltages up to 14 MV.
• The AN2000 accelerator will be available in self-service mode: one energy change per day will be
provided by the operating staff.

Proposal submission

Details for submission

Template Proposal in Word

Template Proposal in TEX

Text of the email with object PAC call