Call for PAC proposals

The Program Advisory Committee (PAC) of the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL) of INFN will meet on July 15 – 17, 2024.
The PAC will select experiments to be performed with the Tandem, CN and AN2000 accelerators during the period September – December, 2024.

Status of the Accelerators
The Tandem accelerator and the CN and AN2000 accelerators will be operational for the next semester:
• The Tandem accelerator can be operated at terminal voltages up to 14 MV.
• The CN accelerator will be limited to terminal voltages up to 5.5 MV. For this call, it will provide
continuous single-charged beams only (no 4He++ and no pulsed beams available).
• The AN2000 accelerator will be available in self-service mode: one energy change per day will be
provided by the operating staff.

Proposal submission

Details for submission

Template Proposal in Word

Template Proposal in TEX