Responsible: A. Pisent

In the meantime, with the good results of the EVEDA phase, the work to build the IFMIF facility (in an updated version with only one linac instead of two as in the initial project) is proceeding with two projects in preparation. The first, DONES (Demo Oriented Neutron Source), aims to build a facility in Spain with the collaboration of Fusion for Energy and the European organizations that participated in IFMIF-EVEDA. The second, A-FNS, it as a Japanese-led project in Rokkasho, where LIPAc is already located.

Figure 1: DONES accelerator layout.


INFN is participating in the DONES work in the EUROFUSION WPENS work package, with the coordination of ENEA and with the following responsibilities:

  • Design of the RFQ and power couplers (very similar to those of IFMIF-EVEDA)
  • Integration of the RFQ in the new facility
  • Study of the RFQ electrode damage due to the radiation
  • RF system based on the solid state amplifier technology
  • Study of the future accelerator upgrades in beam current of the normal conductive section of Linac
Figure 2: (upper figures): INFN solid state power amplifier prototype (299 kW CW, 175 MHz), under construction in the national industries. Simulation of the lost deutereons onto the electrodes. Optimization output of the accelerator performed with an inkind developed software, VeRDe. (Bottom figure) Simulation of the high intensity beam through the RFQ.

DONES preparatory phase:

  • INFN also participates in the DONES preparatory phase (EU Grant Agreement no. 870186 DONES-PreP)
  • specific responsibility for the study of applications of the deuteron beam not related to fusion and in particular to the development of a parasitic beam (1 – 0.1%) to be extracted at high energy.
Figure 3: DONES-PreP Kick off meeting (Madrid 20219)
Figure 4: (upper figures) line design for the parasitic beam line. Simulation of the beam powers (main and parasite) at the electrostatic septum. (Bottom figure): sketch of the pulse timing at the experiment (TOF)